Monday, October 25, 2010

bon jour ! creative empire

three of a dozen or so new giclee prints available this week dans my etsy shop

I'm happy to report that I'm participating in PoppyTalk Handmade this next 2 months & beginning today ! and Oh my goodness ! I am in some pretty impressive company - so much amazing creative talent out here ! Phew ! it's been lots of work getting many new things ready for my shop, making a new little thank you gift that will ship out in each package, working on not quite finished NEW stuff and creating 8 x 10 giclee prints from many of my favourite collage pieces as well as a few new ones. A new favourite - those 3 owls - Hugo, Joshua + Morella.

I've wanted to sell giclee prints of my work for ... oh ages now. Finally it's happenin. Plus I found a new giftware customer to design for and I have another great customer waiting in the wings that I just have to nail down... and I will. They both love my work, my designs and that's a very good thing. Hoping to have a tres steady income once again.

Plus - Uh Huh !! another plus I'm very close to signing my very first licensing contract with another big gift company. Bon Jour ! Creative Empire !! It's all very exciting, I'm having a blast working happily at teak topped desk with my much loved CBC radio 1, Miss D and Oliver often well into the night ... while that darn Prince (of ATG)* watches a movie downstairs. A few nights ago he watched the movie 1 Week - which has the most amazing soundtrack - all Canadian. Two songs that I especially love Calendar Girls by Stars and handsome Sam Roberts - Hard Road

* that would be the Prince of All Things Good. Sighing


  1. WoW! and a great big YIPPEEEE from upstate NY! You're amazing!!!!

  2. Well this is certainly a lot of good news for a Monday.


  3. Wow, what fantastic news and so many great things on the horizon! Love your new owls. And the house with heart smoke and black cat - so sweet. Made me think of the work on Alice in Paris loves Art and Tea, but she does not have the corner on the happy house with cats market!


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