Sunday, September 22, 2013

oh boy, oh oh + cats

Virgil (Gussie) & Olive / Miss Betty on the boardwalk / brothers / Bleet the black velvet chicelet / someones brainstorming & conceptualizing with me (notice Miss D's shaggy lil' legs under the desk in her bed) / Itty Bitty Betty in the park / handsome, handsome / tres paws on Creative Director of Susan Black Design hovering ... micro managing (sigh) as usual

Fear is trusting in your own power

Love that quote & I believe it ! Maybe I'll get a lovely scripty tattoo of that so I can be reminded forever what fear actually is.

I can't decide if it's a thrill, a big ol' oh ! boy !! or if it's more of an oh ! oh ! situation but I have just discovered that I can watch our Netflix subscription on my lovely large imac while I work, draw, cut, paste, clip, glue, erase, redraw ... It's not that I didn't know that that was likely possible & fairly easy to rig up - I'd just never tried and up until yesterday I'd been happy to fill my days at my desk watching or listening to a real mish mash of stuff. I do find listening to something helps not only get me in the groove but keep me there for hours on end - which is a very good thing. I watch/listen to a ton of inspirational & aspirational mostly youtube videos TED talks, Jonathan Fields, Oprah's Super Soul Sunday etc...) many of them over & over again - attempting to drive their motivational message home, or listening to select CBC radio favourite shows, listening to audio CD's from the library* or watching regular channel  tv (mostly trash or guilty pleasure) on my computer - Dr. Phil (uh huh - sad face), Celebrity Apprentice (another sad face), America's Next Top Model, Master Chef (love the show + i've gotta huge crush on Joe Bastianich) & long time favourite soap opera (key dramatic music) The Bold & the Beautiful.

Yesterday while trying to copy the netflix homepage link to email to a family member Netflix kindly logged me in, how sweet of it. It asked me to tell it my 5 favourites from a long and fantastic list of great TV series and movies so that it might recommend things to me ... why Merci Netflix ! the rest is now history. Bonjour Netflix. & oh my Netflix ... you are somethin' else, you are stunning, you are vast, I'm truly amazed at the incredible selection for my viewing/listening pleasure. I'm both thrilled & worried (just a little) that the having to watch or glance up make take up to much of "make & do" time. We'll see. Began last night with Episode 1, Season 1 of Homeland.

ps - need ? want ? more terrific cat pics do you know about our favourite all things cat love blog kitteh kats

* current audio books from the library Neil Gaiman's new book, the new David Sedaris (warning to self be careful not to snort too much while trying to paint fine lines) & Yan Martels' - The Life of Pi


  1. Wonderful photos of your kitty cats dear Susan, they are all so beautiful and affectionate and Miss D's shaggy lil legs.
    I love the photo of Miss Betty on the boardwalk, she looks like a very independent lil Miss to me.
    love and hugs to all!
    xoxoxo ♡

  2. That itty bitty Betty, she sure is Miss Independent Dianne but great news we've managed to convince her to sleep inside each night - which we're thrilled about.

    much love to you & yours from me & mine xoxo Susan

  3. Beautiful photos (again) of your corner of Paradise. I especially like Bleet's eyes.

  4. That is good news dear Susan, she is much safer inside at night.
    love to you and Les gang!
    xoxoxo ♡


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