
Thursday, December 6, 2007

snowman -from the illustration archives

The usual drill 5:00 something am, big mug of freshly brewed coffee, CBC international programming on the radio and I'm sitting here at my laptop typing by the glow of the screen. Heaven. Getting up and beginning a new day, sitting here each morning deciding what I might like to say and going to bed each evening, to my cozy flannel nest with lots of pillows, a fluffy down duvet and a book or a stack of new magazines- my two favourite times of the day. The in between time, most days, seems a race to see if I can accomplish all the things that I 'd like to get done. Two big walks with my sweeties, minor tidying up (dishes etc), a little cooking either for me or les chiens and I try to get 5 hours of design work in (more if I'm on a deadline). Honestly the days whip by me at a lightening speed...

Last night as I was getting ready to climb the stairs and head up to my bedroom I was thinking about this blog. I often decide the night before what image I will post the next day, however, most mornings I have no idea what I will write about. To me it's like writing in my journal each morning - the only difference now is I do know that I have a tiny audience and I'm sure that that must have some influence, although I believe it's subtle.

Last night I was considering again the option of posting in the evenings before bed instead of posting early in the early morning (my thinking was why not try and use up some of my down-ish time instead of sucking up and hour or more each morning of my just-got-up-rarin'-to-go-ultimate energy time) but I quickly decided that this idea was not an option. I'm SO much a morning person, so filled (most days) with optimistic enthusiasm at this early morning time of day. I'm afraid that if I posted in the evening my blog would quickly seem as if it was written by someone else.

Written by that other person, who tends to be hard on herself, whose easily disappointed when her days aren't filled with perfect productivity, who's wish list of to-dos and must dos is miles long and would never ever be even nearly dealt with, a person who's in an almost constant state of mild to medium dissatisfaction. This person is so happy to finally by 8pm call it a day, the bell has rung - this day's over. She'll puff up the pillows, she'll sip a cup of tea, and she'll drift off to sleep with a cat (Oliver) draped over her and wait for a new day to begin.

In the mornings this blog is written by someone else. By someone who's suddenly overnight, become once again, invincible. By someone who can accomplish anything, who appreciates her life and all the amazing little moments in her day, who feels so grateful and fortunate to have the life she lives. This early morning person I choose to believe is the real me, the me I become, once again, miraculously through the night ... while I sleep. ...the me who loves her life here at 29 Black Street.


  1. The morning you corresponds to the person I remember from 18 years ago...the one with the ready smile, the gentle voice and the infectious optimism. I can't even imagine a different you.

  2. hey Patti, Now how sweet is that comment ? thank you, your comment made my day!!

  3. it is so funny how people can be so different isn't it?

    mornings are just not my favorite time at all. I drag around for about an hour.trying to wake up.. ..sometimes a bit grumpy ... rarely able to get enough sleep to feel rested.

    Once I get going I feel better... my invincible time is about 9:00 p.m. . I think of all the things I will do tomorrow..bounce out of bed earlier, change my life, make my plans; still making them when I try to go to sleep and then just toss and turn. Sometimes, barely dozing;sometimes wide awake....left side, right, side, then flat on my back....sigh...wrestling to try to still my brain.. (sometimes til 2 or 3 a.m.)Finally a few hours of real sleep. By 8:00 in the morning..I have no desire to bother with my big plans...and I am definitely too groggy to fix the planet.

  4. Hi Vee, they do say there are only two kinds of people - Nighthawks and Early Birds and they say it's virtually impossible to change your personal predilection. I can't imagine your late night life (even (9pm seems way past my bedtime) anymore than you can imagine my 5am life.


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