
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

icy seaweed at the end of Water St. / sweet old cottage / dandelion in the park / the ice has arrived early / lichenologist lovin' / aster seed heads / 'tis the season ;-)

This is something basic to be understood 
the ego must come to a peak, it must be strong, 
it must have attained an integrity 
only then can you dissolve it. 


I get a dose of Daily Love in my inbox each morning so often the quotations are just what I need to hear
thanks Katy ! oh magical maker of most excellent mojo mix & tres empowering tunes


  1. Thanks a lot for your blog : so wonderful photos and beautifull texts.

  2. That song has been in my head all day. Got a lot of housecleaning done!!

  3. Susan, Katy Perry's Firework is the one song that I *always* sing at karaoke! Gets me fired up and is a good message for teenage daughter! Thanks for sharing. Your photos are stunning as always!

  4. Wonderful photos, great words from Osho and great song.
    Happy day dear Susan.
    xoxoxo ♡


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