february flowers

Monday, February 8, 2016

farmers market summer bouquet / recently purchased miniature roses / gorgeous apricot roses / sunny studio windowsill garden No.1 / daisy / Japanese anemone / zingy, cheery snapdragons at 29 Black Street / windowsill geranium blooms / Creative Empire Studio Manager Oliver with zinnias / more lovely mini rose bushes / sunny studio windowsill garden No.2 / sigh ... cosmos bright lights in the chocolate brown bedroom

I must have flowers,
always, always.
Claude Monet

While the wind howls outside my second floor studio windows here in Lunenburg, and a winter blizzard is blooming - I'm tucked inside cozy, warm and dreaming this snowy, stormy February evening of flowers and gardens ... and more flowers.


  1. These are all so gloriously beautiful! And Oliver tucked in there is the icing on the cake!!! Hugs!!

  2. Dear Susan so lovely to see all of these beautiful, colourful flowers and plants and sweet Oliver too.
    Your studio windowsill garden is delightful, such a lovely way to frame the view.

    Love and hugs, Dianne
    xoxoxo ♡

  3. Seeing all these beautiful flowers has certainly cheered me up on this cold February day. They are beautiful! Those geranium plants look so healthy. Do you put them outside in the summer months? The one I brought inside for the winter looks so pitiful, though it did bloom. What is your secret?

  4. I'm totally in agreement---love your window there and all your photos are jsut sumptious, as always, dear Susan.

  5. Yeah for Monet + flowers ... always + always ... spring is just around the corner for Us, the Mooseboy is loving the mud between his toes now!

  6. Well, that was a tonic for a dreary February day!


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