
Monday, June 30, 2014

scenes from this morning's early walk by the sea (after my walk with Miss D ;-) gorgeous & very fragrant wild roses / the archway of green that I walk through to get to the crescent beach - sigh / usually calm waters of the Northumberland Strait / lemon scented yellow wild roses from the gardens of 29 Black Street / a row of huge old poplars I love - my favourite tree / tiny waves on the crescent beach / wild daisy meadows / at the base of a very senior & majestic poplar / quintessential Nova Scotia wildflower - lupins / more crescent beach love / sweet tiny leaves & stems of forget-me-nots going to seed / the yellow wild roses again in our front garden

expect nothing
appreciate everything

such a perfect & easy to remember mantra/motto

Currently reading three fantastic library books  1).  a big, fat, fantastic novel, aren't they always the best kind, especially in summer - The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert (science, nature, botany, history, yummy) 2). non-fiction - Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play When No One Has the Time by Brigid Schulte - as someone who spends way too much of my time feeling overwhelmed, way too much time wasting time + procrastinating + wanted to cram lots more stuff into my schedule this is a fascinating, incredibly researched, well written book on the idea(s) of time & specifically leisure time (?) is there even such a thing anymore ... maybe it's never really existed and if it has what is it ? 3). + a memoir - funny, light + recipes - The Sweet Life in Paris: Delicious Adventures in the World's Most Glorious - and Perplexing - City by David Lebovitz

oh & one fabulous cookbook Donna Hay's - Simple Dinners that I love so much I'm ordering my own copy

+ I've begun this every bedtime (or end of day) ritual 3 by 3 from Jena Coray via Oh My Handmade - much harder than it seems* but such a valuable end of the day reflection. The first week I added my 3 of 3 daily section to my "morning pages" journal 1). I valued about myself 2). I am grateful for & 3). I am glad I spent time doing ... but today I've decided to do this practice in it's own little notebook because I think it will be interesting in the future to look back at the compilation of goodness & gratitude all in one place. I'm all for creating new rituals in my day to day life ... & especially if they're this good for you.

* you're encouraged to think of 3 brand new things for each section every day


  1. So many stunning photos. That top one is the very essence of a seaside summer!

  2. Wonderful photos of the seaside,
    trees, the daisies, pretty lupins, seeding forget-me-nots and those lemon scented roses are so pretty, I love flowers and foliage with a lemon scent.
    I hope you received my 'thank-you' e-mail dear Susan, I was overwhelmed with your thoughtfulness and generosity and especially Itty Bitty Betty's gift.
    Love to all
    xoxoxo ♡

  3. I love the view down that street Susan.


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