hello 2016

Sunday, January 3, 2016

blue abstract No. 1 9x12 acrylic on watercolour paper

be easy. 
take your time. 
you are coming 
to yourself.

Hello 2016, hello beloved and sorely neglected blog space. I'd like to come home again if I could, please.

I'm not sure what that means exactly. I'm not at all sure how often I might post here or if I'll post words or photos or artwork or maybe all of those things - a mish mash. I just know I miss this space, I miss this record of my life and Hello 2016, I'd like to make the effort to come back again.


  1. Hello again Susan. Welcome back to blog-world - you have been missed!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR, and looking forward to hearing more from you.

  2. Happy New Year! I love reading your blog so am thrilled you posted again :) Will keep a look out for you in the new year.

  3. So very glad to see you here. I actually came looking for you just last week! Happy 2016. I am hoping to start some new habits, too. Love to you and all of your creatures. Looking forward to learning more about your new home and environs. :-) Alison

  4. Hello dear Susan, so lovely to see you return, yes you have been missed. Lovely art and I look forward to seeing more of your art, your inspiring words and photographs of your new surroundings and those beautiful pets.
    Happy New Year for 2016!
    Big hugs!
    xoxoxo ♡

  5. Happy New Year ! Welcome back to the blog-o-sphere my friend.

  6. OH, please do! You've been missed. Happy New Year, Susan!

  7. Love that art, the colours. It makes me want to redecorate my bedroom to look like that. Happy New Year!

  8. I sure have missed you! "29" was the first blog I checked each day and I have truly missed it! You will never know how some of your posts touch my life. I have been following your successful ventures through Instagram and sending big congrats. Whatever you do, I do hope you come back…Happy New Year! Wanda from NC

  9. Oh YES! Come back and we welcome you with open arms! I love reading your blog. Looking forward to seeing more here, dear Susan. Love and best wishes for a HNY yo you and les gang.


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