scenes from yesterday's early morning walk - we're (Missy D & me) back on the beach again
Bubbles and scent poured and waiting, the sun's just coming up and another large, rich and full day lies ahead. Miss D will joyfully accompany me in the teal wagon as we do a few errands, then some mad housekeeping items (vacuuming, dishes, laundry etc.) and this afternoon a friend and I are partaking in a pottery workshop at our famous village café and most excellentl meeting place - how exciting is that ? I can't wait, then of course Winn & I will meet up again with the cowboy and the beautiful brown hound around 5pm for our nightly dinner and a movie*.
My life is so wonderfully full right now. Just jammed packed with goodness and love. If I think about it too much it makes me cry tears of wonderment ... still. I think about how much I struggled through the last few years, feeling so often like my life was done ... that I'd reached the pinnacle, that I was sliding fast down the back side. I felt paralyzed so much of the time by Ache & Sadness ... anxious, worried, sad and eventually depressed. Who knew that this comet of love was hurtling fast and furious toward me only to smack into me and my heart one sunny September afternoon in the park. That man and his chocolate puppy. They've opened my life back up again, unwrapped me from the beautifully crafted cocoon of resignation I'd thoroughly tucked myself into. I love him in more ways than I ever thought possible. It's crazy love.
You just never know for sure... what life has in store just up ahead and around the next corner. When you find yourself stuck in that muck of resignation you must always try to remind yourself
You never know ...
*The House of Sand and Fog the book was beautiful & heart wrenching - my favourite genre

crazy, c-r-a-z-y !! in love with her - Miss Winnie Dixon
You really don't. Life has a way of surprising us... I feel the same way about finding myself retired and not having to endure years of work that I think I would not have been able to survive. I could never have imagined being free at this age.
ReplyDeleteA pottery workshop - what fun! I hope you'll show us what you make?
Lovely scenery as always. I smiled at your steamed up specs and your cold-looking nose. x
Yep, never retire - just change your attire! he he he
ReplyDeleteFLEECE! (and foggy camera glasses)
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see what kind of pottery springs forth from your hands.
I am always so pleased when you write this sort of thing, the joyous,happy,uplifting type of thing, the wonderment at each new day .....it fills my heart to know that you also, have found your big and crazy love at this time in your life........ we have more in commen than you know..........
ReplyDeleteOh yea I wanna see what you turn out on the potters wheel too....make somethin purdy
Isn't it wonderful to be happy on the first day of Spring?
ReplyDeletePatti R please email me at my 29blackstreetATgmail.com address - I've lost all my hotmail stuff and still don't know if I can retrieve it
ReplyDeletexo Susan
I love the pictures of you. So much personality coming through...the mysterious red- haired artist...How do I get my hair to look like that? I love Miss Winnie Dixon's hair, too...that terrier hair that doesn't tangle. Maybe I should go for that look?
ReplyDeleteAnd on a serious note, I am so very glad that you are letting us into some of your private musings. We are all just dying to come visit you. I can't wait to see what your yard looks like this year. I hope you keep the lush, crowded jungle look. I wish you would post pictures of you in it...with the Cowboy and other sweet faces.
Fun and suprises. What a delight to see you and Winnie D at the end of this post!
ReplyDeletethis is so beautifully written--especially the 2nd to last paragraph. Pure poetry.
ReplyDelete"My life is so wonderfully full right now. Just jammed packed with goodness and love."
--Well don't think you could ask for much more than that, really. :)
I am so totally loving catchig up with you here. Life has been so wild for me and I have been a poor excuse of a blog friend. I would stop in but only for a moment and take a peek..but I wanted to stop in longertoday, do a proper catch up and tell you how glorious I think you are.
ReplyDeleteLife is sweet for you and you deserve it so...just enjoy this magical ride. Loving this for you...