ta da !

Friday, December 24, 2010

the small park that hugs our harbour & steps away from our front door, the last ship of the year

Low light, late afternoon, blurry photos of it in it's spectacularity ! doors slide back + forth - sigh

Music to load components by and this song that suddenly appeared in my brain on my blustery drizzly walk back from the post-office yesterday afternoon. Isn't it weird. I wonder where do these little memory bombs come from ... and why ?

Merry, merry, merry Christmas to all from les Gang at 29 Black Street.

handsome Sam(uel) wearing his dashing red harness avec les entertainment centre


  1. Holiday Greetings, Susan and the gang! The entertainment center is stunning... such craftsmanship! joy joy

  2. That Prince of yours is a true craftsman. Wow, that is lovely. Your globe collection looks great there.

    Merry Christmas to you all!

  3. It's a beauty! Merry Christmas to all with many more Globe shelves and tail wags,

  4. Your entertainment unit turned out beautifully! Have a Merry Christmas and I wish you all the very best for 2011.

    I have enjoyed your blog with my morning coffee...

    Cheers, Kim and the Laureate gang in Carp ON

  5. That is absolutely gorgeous. Still working to fill that last spot.

  6. B shammy ... shhhhh.
    when the time comes paypal me or else
    I'll crack cargo to kansas

    MC + HNY

  7. wow!!
    love your entertainment wall!!

    happy holidays for you all!!

  8. Fabulous result there, Susan! That man is a marvel..... sigh..... Have a very happy, homely Christmas. Love from all the team here. x

  9. I just gave an audible gasp. Oh my gosh. What a beautiful entertainment center.

    Gorgeous photos, all of them.

    Merry Christmas Susan!

  10. absolutely stunning! you are a very lucky lady!!

  11. I love the wall unit! It looks great!
    Hopefully someday i will see it in person.
    Miss you aunty!


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