happy & calm

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

16 photos from recent days - we had the most spectacular September I can ever remember

& hey ! a big bonjour October !
where did you come from ??

I'm a big fan of la Bomemian Tarotscope, kinda flaky gal (in a good way) that I am & this is the Tarot card drawn for Cancer this week - Hullo - Aces is right. Happy, productive, happy & calm.
It's all I've ever wanted to be ... rockin' on here at the teak topped desk avec trusted side kicks.

This Ace is inspiration. A new connection with your spirit. This week, it rushes back in with your drive and your ambition and your will. This week, you will find yourself excited about a new project, a new connection, a new possibility. You know that feeling when you wake up in the morning and you can’t wait to start your day so you can get to…fill-in-the-blank? That’s what is on deck. The best part is that what you want wants you! You are a magnet to the very thing you desire, and your passion draws it to you as you seek it out! This week, you will be raring to go because you’ve got something new and exciting to do.

Check out your own weekly tarotscope here - thanks again Amy


  1. Spring teased us here with some beautiful weather, but it is back to downpours and chilly weather. Even the lovely flowers are looking too bedraggled to photograph. I will admire yours instead. Lovely.


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