tree trimming

Thursday, November 27, 2008

early morning cottages along crescent beach

I love this tall row of trees.

My desk is still messy this morning, I've cleared a little spot for my elbows and my cup of coffee. Sigh. It will make my day start off right if I take a few minutes to tidy my work area before beginning today's round of drawing, drawing, drawing.

Tomorrow our little village begins celebrating a two day winter festival called Christmas by the Sea. I have a date with BFF Harry, early tomorrow evening to take in Chowder Hour at the curling club followed by a Dessert Extravaganza (avec coffee) at the senior citizens lodge and then he and I will join in the walking Parade of Lights, a stroll from the high school holding flashlights & glow sticks, with carols a blasting, down a few of our village streets to end up at our little library park where the lighting of the big village Christmas tree will happen.

This afternoon I'll take a wee break from this latest, seemingly endless, project of frame drawings ($ wink ! Mr R. Canada's gonna be happy this December) to finish up a little graphic design project - card stock ornaments printed with photos of dogs and cats that have been adopted from our local animal shelter this past year (Jake, Winnie, Oliver & Gussie all were adopted from this shelter) and another pile of ornaments highlighting the names of local businesses who donated generously to our shelter in our latest & biggest annual fundraiser. Tonight I'll go with a friend (and fellow animal lover) and we'll trim the shelter Christmas tree with these ornaments (and other cat and dog themed decorations) for our tree in the village Christmas by the Sea- Tree Fest - local businesses and organizations each trim a tree creatively with themed decorations. Then a local church group puts on a café amidst these trees for the entire two days of the festival. You can sit and enjoy coffee/tea & sweets, listen to The Traveller's singing carols (BFF Harry's dad Andy is a member of this barber shop quartet) and view the 20+ themed trees.

Shut up ! Can you stand it ? Action packed, this weekend, here at 29 Black Street and in this little seaside village.


  1. Susan,
    Oh those two pictures are just crisp and beautiful.
    Black and white, then color.
    Your sweet little day sounds just like a small town holiday day 'should' be.
    I'm thinking you will have a picture or two to show us.
    And your art today will get done, I have no doubt, messy teak desk or not!

  2. Thank goodness for people who support animal shelters.
    Enjoy your action-packed weekend. It sounds like fun. We would love to see some photos.

  3. "chowder hour at the curling club"! Such a atmospheric wintertime phrase! Sounds like a lovely weekend. Edward and Apple, shelter dogs themselves, applaud your efforts for your local shelter. They both are wishing all a happy Thanksgiving over at our place...we have much to be thankful for,don't we?

    Black and white...ah, the best!

  4. That sounds so sweet and fun! I think small towns know how to celebrate the holidays the best, although I'd like to be in Rockefeller Center for the lighting of the tree someday too.

  5. What beauty...and your images are always stunning.
    I think your days sound just about perfect.
    Oh how I love the way you turn a phrase...

    Happy Thanksgiving...



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