miss D

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Miss D at the beach

A few photos of my girl Winnie Dixon. She goes everywhere with me. She's got cheeks of sweetness, she loves the beach and her Baby Duke, her favourite words are Do ya ? and she always answers Yes please ! enthusiastically, she's a picky eater but she loves chicken and cat food and homemade beef and bacon dog cookies. And she misses that boy as much as I do but we're getting through it together, she and I.

I love her ... so much.

There's a big ship coming into the harbour. Crickets, occasional drops of rain, that tell tale first sound - the clanging of the big anchor being dropped into the water, and the hum of the big ship's engine that makes the windows gently rattle - the sounds outside my big studio windows this early morning.


  1. More wonderful pix! Love the first profile of Winnie Dixon!

    The Arbus bio has been on my "must read" list, you know, the virtual stack, that I haven't gotten to yet. Thanks for the reminder. I take it, it's good? Arbus' photography is amazing, isn't it?

  2. Me,too! I'm ordering it online right now to be sent to my branch! Thanks, Susan! :)

  3. Darn...I'm number 2 on the waiting list, so it's going to be a little while before I get it. We'll have to compare notes! :)

  4. Once again, your photos are delightful. The landscape is gorgeous and Miss D looks so happy.

  5. What a sweet, happy face! You're lucky to have such a darling, and she's lucky to have you.

  6. Your site popped up and I actually whispered out loud..."oh wow". She's a beauty, and I can tell she's a sweetheart.

  7. What truly beautiful photos..and words...always.
    Thinking of you all.



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