good things

Friday, September 19, 2008

good things come - 8.5x11 art print collage illustration

It's Friday ... the day of the week that I usually post a photo of my much loved red dog. The best friend this girl ever had. Jake. Actually, all week I had plans to make a photo montage of all four of my much loved canine and feline friends. Friends who are now prowling around, squawking, fetching sticks and carrying big stuffed bears around in their mouth while madly wagging their tails - up there in heaven, somewhere on a big soft cloud with a water feature nearby. My four assorted sized bundles of love and comfort that I hold tight and snug in my heart - my family. A montage of four photos, of Ernst, Lulu, Emma Jane Louise and that sweet Noodle dog. I had a busy week and a busy day and evening last night and I didn't get that photo montage created. This morning I really wanted to post this latest illustration ... the illustration that churned around in my brain yesterday while on our glorious early morning low tide walk (roll, run, twirl, gnash, snort, play) avec les chiens. The illustration that spilled out of me and onto my page of back lit watercolour paper yesterday morning with complete ease and oomph and way more perfect flowness. An illustration that I'm very happy with. There are those words, together again. Sigh.

I guess it's a sign. A sign that my big huge grief is finally softening. It's weird but somehow Lulu's death (last Friday) took some of the remaining sting out of Jake's death. I'm not sure why and I guess it doesn't matter why ... honestly this little brain has become SO tired of thinking SO much about everything, and very tired of feeling sad. Sometimes we cling to feelings and emotions because we're so used to them, somehow they feel safe and it feels frightening to lessen your grip on them. For now I just want to draw and paint and cut and paste for awhile.

I do love them all, and I miss them all ... and especially that sweet red dog, he was my favourite I'll admit, but just because he and I, we had a very special thing goin' on, we had a bond - an incredible bond that won't ever be broken ... I know that now. Hey there handsome.

This good things come illustration will soon be available both as a greeting card and a small art print suitable for framing ... in that big, exciting, huge etsy shop opening. Yeah, yeah, sure. Wink. It's coming ... it's coming.


  1. I can't even get myself organized for a once a year Christmas craft sale so I'm not saying a word.....

    <............................> that's my cheesy grin.....

  2. Love the new collage design!! And I'm glad to hear you are feeling creative and positive this morning. I don't think we ever lose the ones we love, but I suppose there is a danger of letting our grief define who we are. We that happens I would imagine it to be difficult to let go of. It's a thorny path that I do believe eventually leads out to the sunshine.

    Edward and I wish you and Miss Winnie a delightful shore walk today!! We wish we could join you, and Apple, too of course!!


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