
Friday, August 8, 2008


Handsome, red, gentle, kind, loving
Athletic, silly, hungry, friendly to all
Stick fetchin', loyal, affectionate, warmth
Companion, pillow, comfort, security
Love, busy, curious, happy, carefree
Confident, goofy, my love,
good and true ... Noodle

No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear
C.S. Lewis


  1. The white furred faces of old dogs. Such sweet, pure love.

    Edward, Apple and I are thinking of you today. Stop by to see Edward when you get the chance. He's had it with the heat.

  2. Sweet, sweet furry face, and I like the quote from Lewis. Grief feels a lot like fear to me too.

  3. Dear Susan
    I never knew about the loss of Jake as I am a relative newcomer to your blog. This evening I took some time to scroll down and read all about Jake (going back to posts from last year). I understand your longing for him.

    We (that is, my late husband and I and our girls who are now grown up) experienced the death of three beloved labradorsover the years: Hero, Valiant and Groomsman. Each dog was mourned and just like you, I felt the presence of each dear doggy friend in the house long after they had gone.

    Tristram is now 11 years but still has such a spring in his step...I don't know what I will do without him. He and Gal have been my 'grief'companions since Richard died. Richard adored his labradors and they grieved him too for months after. Well, enough of my meandering thoughts. I do hope you have a good weekend. Love Eleanor

  4. Thinking of you and sending love, Ellen.

  5. *hugs*.... I do know how you feel...*hugs*

  6. i feel for you, susan, and hope you can find solace in the wonderful posts you do about jake and all the warm, caring thoughts we are sending your way. this is one of my favorite photos of jake. so nice.


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