my cure

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Winnie Dixon

Oh sweet Dee, you are my cure ... for everything


  1. Aw, so sweet. How is Miss Winnie these days?

  2. She's very well thank you Mary D. after her temporary weird spell in the spring she's recovered completely and seems as healthy as can be for a girl who's next birthday will be the big 12. We still have 2 long walks each day and her appetite is strong - those are my 2 best indications of a healthy dog. Boy oh boy, I sure do love her.
    xo Susan, Winnie & les Chats

  3. That dog has soul. Big soul. God bless you Winnie D. You are a gift.
    Thank you for sharing such beautiful photos Susan, and am glad your girl is recovered and back to her sweet noble self.

  4. You know I can't resist that face. I'm so glad to hear she's doing well. Makes my heart so happy.

  5. I would love to wag my tail along side her....
    Tail wags,


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