1.) final banner illustration 2.) tight version thumbnails 3.) final revised thumbnailI've been wanting to document my collage illustration process for ages & recently as I was creating the website banner illustration for Erika at
Little Bird Night Owl I remembered to take photos along the way. I plan out the steps quite meticulously & methodically in my head first (figuring out all the layers & choosing the various techniques and mediums) and because of all this forethought an illustration like this once finished is almost exactly like the picture both Erika & I created in our heads. hooray !
Materials I've used: heavy water colour paper, acrylic paints, Golden
matt medium (much like
modge podge),
exacto knife, sharp blades & scissors, assorted vintage papers, water proof smudge proof pens, gouache paint, fine brush, black acrylic ink, glue pens for all the little
itty bitty pieces that need to be glued (I love me a
glue pen !), a cutting mat & table top light table.
I LOVE doing custom freelance work of any kind so please contact me if you'd like me to make something for you. I have reasonable rates, flexible payment plans, & even pro-
bono for non-profits & good causes (animal rescue organizations especially welcome). If you have questions about prices, time lines &/or the process please ask me in the comments or email me.
Erika bought one of my
Lil' Owl calendars I sell my things at
Freedom Clothing Collective in Toronto. She loved my owls & contacted me though my portfolio site (clearly indicated on every page of that calendar -
marketing, marketing) & asked me if I'd like to design her banner thinking my style would be a good fit for her vision - a very fun project - thanks Erika !!