more comfort

Monday, July 16, 2012

painting, still in progress, from yesterday's workshop

the best thing about my work life
is that I can try new things & get better

I'm becoming wise ... before my very own eyes. I'm not sure how or why it's happening but I'm finding life to be more and more a delightful surprise. A constant mystery unfolding. I'm trying to be bold, I'm trying to be brave. This courage quote I posted the other day has become my mantra - you can only do your best. Some days kinda suck & then others feel a bit spectacular. I'm learning that most often I can't predict or control either ... try as I might.

I'm surprised by this painting. By it's strength.
Yet part of me is not at all surprised.
I think I'm coming to terms with the mystery that is life.
I hope so.

those who dwell among the beauties & mysteries 
of the earth are never alone or weary of life

Rachel Carson


  1. Love the energy in the new work. Seems like the canvases are getting bigger too.

  2. I'm not's wonderful!

  3. Hey thanks ! mes amies)
    xoxo Susan

  4. This is FABULOUS!!!!!! Good job! KEEP SHARING!!!

  5. Wonderful. As I may have said before: "You rock!".

  6. I'm kinda digging this painting.

  7. It is indeed very strong and wonderful.

  8. very nice! MLou's comment about the bigger canvas is an interesting observation too. Canvas grows with confidence ?

  9. Very lovely painting .. fun learning new stuff. It was great
    meeting you in Sunday's workshop with Norene,Susan.


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