♡ les gang

Thursday, May 1, 2014

gardening helper itty bitty Betty & daphne blooming / Miss Winnie Dixon / my dude Oliver / Samuel in the back yard / an explosion of geranium blossoms + Virgil / the black velvet chicelet - BleetNessie / a favourite sunshiny spot / he's such a good sleeper / my favourite spot - the nest / fierce itty bitty wild cat / he spends lots of time in his box office ♡

Until one has loved an animal, 
a part of one's soul remains unawakened.

Anatole France

4 cats, 2 dogs + 2 part time cats (feral boys who feed daily at our drive through kitchen window).  

I'm so happy to report that everyone, all of les gang are happy, healthy & doing well. Including my best girlfriend Missy D & sweet Nessie Ness who are both 4 months into their 16th year.


  1. Continued good health and happiness to all the gang. Nice to see some of them out enjoying springtime.

  2. Long may it remain that way, Susan! A lovely family.....

  3. Good to hear that all of les gang are healthy and happy...all so beautiful dear Susan.
    Wonderful images of them all enjoying the Spring weather, cats certainly know how to relax.
    Love to all, nice to see itty bitty Betty looking so well.
    xoxoxo ♡

  4. your cat photos always make me want to get a cat or two or three. i'd love a post sometime on how you keep that huge geranium looking lovely and blooming year round!!!

  5. Your fur babies look sooooo happy!! Looks like spring has sprung up your way. I also want to know how you keep that geranium so beautiful. Do you keep it inside year round? I have rooted a piece of the one I had last summer that bit the dust. I am hoping I can keep it living. For some reason, I never have much luck with them.

  6. xoxo to all - you have to know I am tres thrilled to write a post about my beloved geranium. Soon, promise, soon ! much love also from les members of les Gang.

    + itty bitty sends special love to her godmother's in far away Washington state & Australia.

    she's a case that IBB (itty bitty Betty)

  7. Sixteen.... a super number! WOW. Tail wags to all. ~moose

  8. A happy group if ever there was one with plenty of love to go around. I love old cats!

  9. Wonderful images. A tribute to you Susan that those dogs are 16 !! Amazing.

  10. You have quite a family they all look amazing.


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