Bleet curled up on the bed with his dog, Jake
Bleet considers Jake his mother, when Bleet arrived here on Black Street an abandoned teeny tiny kitten, too young to really be away from his mother, sweet patient Jake allowed this little kitten to crawl all over him, to knead and purr and suckle on little pieces of his fur twisted and slimed into a makeshift teat and to sleep curled up in the warmth of his red furry coat. Bleet has adored Jake since then, 8 years ago this February. Sometimes I catch Bleet sitting beside Jake, while Jake's sprawled out on the floor, Bleet leaning in with just his little forehead firmly pressed against Jake's body, purring madly. When it's getting late and dark and Bleet is still outside somewhere and I'm having no luck convincing him to come in, I take Jake outside and if I can get him to bark, Bleet will come running, every time.
My goodness what a week it's been. Things however, are SO much better, and finally returning to almost normal here at 29 Black Street. Winnie's curled up right now on a bed under my desk and her tummy, today, has the squeaks and grumbles - maybe there's some little doggy bug goin' round. I added pure pumpkin (from a can) to the doggy diarrhea diet (white rice, lean hamburger and yogurt) last night and I am thrilled to report that things are normal again ... finally. I'm sure it's a combination of Neovast, diet, Kaopectate and mostly time - these things just have to run their course. I'm convinced now that it was some bacterial thing acquired from eating one of the assortment of yucky wildlife delicacies that he chows down on every morning. Sigh. We will make a trip to our regular vet on Monday now, when we'll be sure that all blood work results will be there and we'll have a check up, see about his thyroid levels, get weighed (him, not me!) and when we're finished at the vet, Jake and I will split a double cheeseburger at Dairy Queen (a regular post vet treat).
A snowy day forecast for tomorrow, Blustery and 10-15cms. Perfect!
Have a great weekend ... I know I'm going to!