
Thursday, July 17, 2008

my upstairs hallway looking into the guest room - new pale blue-ish paint colour

The chair in this corner and under the window has over the years, and continues to be, a most perfect dog look out spot. A very popular perch with all three of my pack - Emma, Jake and now Winnie. A place to announce loudly that a courier van has parked curbside or that some other dog and person dares to walk on our street. Smile. I'd like to make a new washable slipcover for that chair ... and alas, that project would be about No. 432 on the big list of things that I would like to do. The list that comes after the lists of things I must do and things that I need to do ... but hey, I'm not going down that road this morning.

Thank you all for the oh so supportive and encouraging comments regarding my upcoming etsy shop update. I am very excited about this next chapter in my 29 Black Street ad-venture. Shop update should happen the last week of July ... and you can be sure that I will keep you posted with lots of previews and details.

I'm sleepy this morning. That happy, contented, slept well, kind of tired. Worry, Fret, Ache & Sadness seem to be away for a few days and I'm enjoying the peace and quiet until they return. My house needs tending to ... Wink. I've been busy this week, the days and early evenings have been speeding past and I've left my usual trail of clutter & debris behind me. No. 1 on la list today is to clear a path and I'll reward myself this afternoon with several hours of pure, all out, creative time (I want to work on a few new illustrations for this upcoming etsy shop update). I have so many new ideas - I must get a few more out of my head and down onto the paper.

There's a lot of high speed kitten thumpin' and a bumpin' and charging around going on downstairs - part of our every early morning drill. The sky outside my studio window is turning pale lavender with streaks of cotton candy pink clouds and the only other sounds we can hear (Miss Winn & I) are the birds and my fingers on this keyboard.


  1. The hall colour looks perfect... what colour/brand did you use?

    I use to write my list in the morning and end up with a zillion things I wanted to do and was frustrated if I only marked off one. A few weeks ago, I discovered a cure for the endless list of to dos.
    Write your to do list in the evening for the following day. By doing this, it allows me to focus on the important items to do the next day. My list ends up more realistic, shorter and best of all whether it has 10 things to do or 1it is manageable for that day. Since I began writing my to do list the night before I have completed more tasks.
    My list for today is:
    Mow the front lawn, while I wait for the delivery of my and fridge & stove.
    Do a load of laundry
    Hang the clean laundry on the line.
    Take the food out of the cooler and put in my new fridge.
    Put all the furniture back in place that was moved to make way for the appliances.
    Go to Sobeys.

  2. Hi Paula thanks for the to-do list tip although I think making my list the night before (without next early morning revisions) might cause me to hyper-ventilate. Sad but true. Me and my list we have some issues, we do. I still like Vee's suggestion from long ago that in the evening I write a list of the days' accomplishments - I do know that if I did that every day, most days I would be pleasantly surprised by the length & details of that list.

    I'm going to begin that new habit this evening (she says confidently - wink).

    The paint colour is Morning Fog by Pittsburg Paints (and now all you need is the paint chip and you can take it anywhere and have your favourite brand of paint mixed in that colour).

  3. Hi Susan,
    Had a dentist appointment this morning and on the way home, drove by your place and tooted. Don't know if you heard me. Just my way of lettin' ya know somebody out there's thinkin' about ya!
    Have a happy sunny day.


  4. Oh, I revise the list during the day... NEVER in the morning, because at that time I have grand illusions of my super powers and I am under the impression at that time of day that there are more minutes in a day than in reality. A bonus is that if I do extra things that were not on the list I add them just so I can cross them off. For me by doing my list this way I see a true reflection of what I did during the day and as you said often a lot more than I thought.
    I also allow for spontaneity and the occasional Houdini cat incident… like today I have an escapee (Jellicle) roaming outside he believe he is a wild cat. He will come when he get hungry should be anytime soon.

    Thank you for the colour info.

  5. hey V, I did hear you toot ! merci for that. We must make our plan for lunch dans les Park at the end of Black Street, maybe next week - say Thurs or Fri. let me know if either day would work pour vous.

    And Paula, aaahhhh, now I do hear ya talkin', loud and clear, that early morning girl with the grand illusions and super human powers ... she lives here too. I will try your technique ce soir as I do like to fancy myself open minded to regime changes. Wink.

  6. I like the paint color in the hall. It is such a peaceful color. One of the bedrooms in my home is painted in a similar color.

  7. ahhhhhh .....the absolute perfect colour for a seaside cottage...and especially for right beside the "viewing" window! Hey...I think I have a piece of sea glass that is exactly that colour...

    Oh, man... my list the other day had plenty of "add-ons"... the original loosely woven plans for the day went "gang aft a gley" or whatever he said...

    Even to the point where I had to get out my own "beast rouge" (I wonder if they are relatives?) ...and sprinted around the yard cuz rain was a comin'! Just made it... thunder, lightening and a huge downpour... hahahha...there I stood in the house with my mug of tea and toasted my cleverness... hahahah.....

    Do any of your buddies sew? Maybe they could make up a cover for the chair? Choose some fun fabric... send the measurements?... just a thought....sorry I don't sew well enough (or big enough..I do miniature) to make it happen.

  8. A very restful color for a very restful corner.

  9. hahahh ... I thought you might drop by and see my beast.... that was fun. He is old but still going strong... it used to belong to Greg's dad..but, we have had it about 24 years...

    yeh...some days it is better to just "be"...

    I am being semi productive today..although for me (becuz I get up late) .. it was a slow start once I decided to do a blog entry.
    Now it is already after 1:00.. Greg will be home to paint on those louvered doors again..and I have to help hold them upright.. yawn.. wish I could needle felt with one hand or something while doing that ..I feel like I am wasting precious time... I'll try to get a pic of the colour. It is so different in the daylight versus electric.. but it is a soft, sage-y green....

    I stewed some rhubarb; am making a little potato salad for supper....tomorrow I make rhubarb/apple cobbler and now..I think I will put together some dough for Empire Cookies... never made them but the bakery near us that used to have them closed must try some of my own. Keeping my fingers crossed....

    The little chirpy house finches were scolding me at about I had not been out to clean and refill the birdie bath... must do that... the robins make it soooo dirty paddling around in it with their muddy feet.

  10. oops... sorry... the "blabby" segment of my biodex must be up today...

  11. That is such a lovely repose of place you have there. I love the dog watch mention too. I can just picture it.

  12. That is such a lovely repose of place you have there. I love the dog watch mention too. I can just picture it.


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