three dogs & a redstart

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Winnie with Emma Jane Louise in the background

Yesterday at supper time as thunder boomed and rain came down hard in sheets, I lay on my bed beside an open window, listening to both the rain and the wind in the leaves and I could also hear a bird in the lilac tree outside my bedroom window. It's a song that I've heard a few times recently in my garden and one that I felt sure was not a song from one of our usual suspects. A new bird, a visitor. Pulling back the gauzy sheer curtain (that side of my house is completely covered in a lush, big leaf, ivy vine and curtains are not really even necessary) I could see a small greyish bird flitting madly around from branch to branch and all the while singing this new (to our garden) and distinct song. This little bird managed to stay still for a minute and close enough to my window that I could see a few flashes of brilliant yellow on it's wing and tail. Hhhmmmm. Peterson Field Guide of Eastern Birds to the rescue - simply the best nature guide books that I know of. A female American Redstart. They're preferred habitat is forest which I guess is why she's hanging around my yard - in my overgrown and tree filled yard and garden she thinks she's in the forest. You can listen to her very distinct song at this site

Finally cooler temperatures and overcast skies here in our little village this morning. A break from the sweltering heat and humidity that's been fairly constant for the last several weeks.

These are Holga photos from a few years back - a cheap little plastic camera that takes 120 film, a much larger negative. I love the dreamy quality and the perfect saturated colour. And sigh ... more memories, captured forever, of my most amazing three dog life. Em, Jake & Miss Winnie Dixon.

Miss Dixon and my handsome boy Jake comin' ashore with his sticks


  1. Love the Holgas. Always a favorite. Would like to get one myself one day. Is it very hard to find film for them now, like the Polaroids?
    With the past 3 weeks of weather, we've only received "threats" of T-storms. Nothing more than that. Kind of disappointing, because I too like a good thunderstorm.


  2. What a pretty little bird, with a pretty song. I'm impressed with your technical ability to add sound effects to your blog. Your efforts are appreciated.
    We are expecting thunderstorms here today... a nice
    break from sunny, hot July days.

  3. Love that second Jake is in the background and you can see Winnie's eye.

    I'll have to get my birdbook out and look up redstart...

  4. My mother and I used to use 110 film all the time, a cheap little plastic camera like the Holga. Those were pretty standard pictures, though, just snapshots. And I don't think they make that film any more either.

  5. V & J, Just google Holga camera to find a place to buy one of these quirky cameras which have a cult following. $70.00 US for a starter kit including everything you need to get started. a good place to start and 120 film is very available and common (no chance of it being discontinued) at any photographic supply/camera store.


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