full moon

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

autumn collection # 1

This morning there's a big full moon high up in the sky and lighting up a big patch of moonlight on the floor of my dark studio/office. Bleet's gone outside (at 4:55 each early am) to prowl around the yard and garden and our own petite forest with the other nocturnal creatures. Oliver & Gus have just begun their wild kitten, early morning, round 1 antics and much thumping, crashing and galloping of paws can be heard from the first level of this old brick house. Items on the teak topped desk - 12 finished frame drawings and more thumbnails ideas to draw up for customer No Uno today and tomorrow, followed immediately by a 12 page newsletter (a rare and bi-annual graphic design project), and then I'l be working on many more additions to my ety shop in time for Christmas shopping. Sigh. Smile. I am loving this very busy life, but I do feel like I've been rushing lately... and I am a girl who hates to rush. Rushing is never good in my books. So ...

Miss D and I are going to curl back up into the nest for a spell. I with my second cup of coffee and herself with one of her slightly chewed raw hide treats (which she insists on carrying around with her at all times ... because she is convinced that if she turns her back, even for a second, those darn kittens will most certainly try and steal it).

We'll just enjoy the silence and the darkness and the full moon, this early morning.

More incredible blogland inspiration heather smith jones and this joy ride
and totally swooning over & coveting this

Many thanks to my etsy shoppers and little photo-art-print-greeting-cards enclosed in cardboard mailers are now winging there way to you all. Merci again !

(sad face) election update - apparently my message to God and the Universe got lost in the mayhem & crush of political prayers and requests being received by them yesterday. The results have been tallied and it's a minority Conservative government again (a stronger minority than last time - of a possible 308 seats, they won 19 more than they already had) - which really basically means ... things are practically the same as they already were. shrug & sigh.


  1. I always love to see your gathered collections. And I do miss those rawhide chews that used to be scattered around the house.

  2. very nice composition of fall items. i enjoy hearing about the antics of the kittens. it makes me smile every time. i checked out your etsy shop and everything is lovely!

  3. Eeee! Frankly, I hope your elections aren't a preview of ours, I don't think I could stand it.
    Wonderful collection of Autumn items.

  4. The Moon is lighting up my whole front room right now.....It's SO COOL!


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