Miss D goes to the Island

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Miss D safe and snug in our cottage nest

My girl Winnie Dixon, as you may remember, has some issues with her nerves. She was not properly socialized as a young dog and can be very afraid of new situations especially if they involve people. I was so proud of her this past weekend, she was very brave and she did amazingly well on our fantastic weekend trip to the Island. MLou has visited us here at 29 Black Street many times and on those times Winnie basically just skulks from room to room, from dog bed to dog bed, staying out of our way. MLou had never patted Winnie or been in close physical contact with Winnie at all, Miss D always made sure of that. This big old brick house is her big ol' den and she doesn't like anyone else in it and she is always thrilled when they finally leave. Our weekend holiday away from the big den she did allow MLou to give her lots of pats and scratches all around her neck and ears - she's a funny girl my Miss D. she's got some issues ... much like her Mama and boy O' boy I sure do love her.

Although she didn't eat and barely slept the entire weekend we were away, on our off leash walks with MLou and Miss J in the provincial park she ran and sniffed and smiled like she didn't have a care in the world. Most of our touring & sightseeing around the Island by car, Winnie sat up front with MLou, and I sat in the back with Jigs. She's a front seat girl - my girl. The very first time that I took her in the car with Em & Jake she hopped immediately into the front passenger seat. Em & Jake, always the most chilled out retriever sweetie dogs, didn't mind at all and she's been travelling around in the front seat ever since. I guess that's where she's the most comfortable. I think she had a good time and I know that it was good for both of us to get outta dodge for a few days.

I have a fire on in the living room this morning and I think I'll take my second cup of coffee downstairs, I'll snug in close beside Miss D on the sofa and I'll make a plan for this day. You know how I love a plan.

ps - please don't fall over in your chairs but it's looking like my etsy shop will finely open (with some stuff in it - wink) this Sat. morning. Shut Up ! no you Shut Up !


  1. Beautiful picture of Miss D.Love those little grey..eyebrows(?)I can imagine them moving quizzically.What a lovely time for all of you. Reminds me that I, as a city dweller, need to get out into the country more... it does us all, four-legged and two-legged, the world of good.

  2. What a sweet girl. I'm glad you both had a good time.

  3. Love that dreamy slighty fuzzy first pic! I am looking forward to our first fireplace fire. It's been a little cooler, but not quite cold enough...yet.

  4. Can't wait to see what you have in your etsy shop. Miss D is just a girl who knows what she wants...gotta love that!

  5. Oh Miss D looks almost regal nestled so luxuriously amongst her pillows.

  6. Yes, very sweet looking girl.

    I hope your trip is going well. Happy planning!

  7. oh, susan, i really do love reading your posts! i am so enamored with miss d. she sounds like such a soulful dog and one who truly knows her place (in the front seat!). hope you enjoyed the fire and the second cup of coffee!

  8. Oh, you make me love your dogs!

    (here through Pam's site...)

  9. Hello,
    so glad you had a fabulous break. I devoured those Anne of GG books when I was younger. Green Gables always seemed so magical. What did Anne call her friend, was it a kindred sister or something? I never really knew what she meant at the time, but i knew it must have been delightful to have one. A perfect place to visit with your MLou. : )

    Miss D does look so worried sometimes doesnt she? Its those eyebrows I think.


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