politics etc.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

good morning cows

listening to the sound of the wind in the trees outside my studio window and while working at the teak topped desk I'm listening to CBC radio, Bill Maher podcasts (available at itunes) and Jon Stewart's The Daily Show and Stephen Colbert both available for your pleasure here. Could there be a better time for political humour ? I think not. I'll confess I am totally obsessed with the US election.

eating tuna melts on whole wheat english muffins with homemade broccoi soup

smelling apples, wood, damp air, sand bars and fallen leaves

working on tucking in my newsletter project and then posters for both our little village's Christmas by the Sea extravaganza event and the local Animal Shelter's big annual fund raising event (that's where Miss Dixon, Jake, Oliver & Gus all were adopted from)

walking with Miss Winnie Dixon while it's still dark each morning down into the park and onto the crescent beach where we sit on a big rock and watch the sun begin to come up

today's big deal event getting my hair cut after lunch by the new, young & hip hairdresser in town then immediately walking to the post office for hair chat, the critique and hopefully squeals of delight and of course to pick up my mail

reading Unstuck and Dark Summit

wondering about fractels and tonight with my dinner I'll watch last night's taped episode of a favourite PBS show- Nova all about fractels

looking forward to MLou and husband (home for a spell from Thailand where he works) avec chain saw etc. arriving Sunday for a day of group chopping, hacking, wood stacking, mowing and general yard and garden clean up. sigh.


  1. Love the layout of your post today. It's a nice little summary. I received your wonderful card in the mail. I love that scene. My son's still here and I have not tended to my blog this week, but I have read yours and the others over tea.

  2. Hmmm...that comment was attributed to "k", Katy, who has a gmail account. It was from me!

  3. Hey, send MLou and crew over to the Manor when they're done! ;)

  4. All of that sounds really wonderful. Wish I could be in your shoes for a while.


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