I feel it all

Saturday, January 3, 2009

snow covered

Miss Winnie Dixon
is totally fine. Hooray - she's once again wriggling, and dancing and spinning with joy as is her standard nature • Mama slept really well last night tucked into the nest of down & flannel, sweet funny dreams of mansions and parties • I did get up at 3am to turn the furnace down a notch and felt so wide awake, I considered for a moment, getting up - crazy girl • I have a list of things I'd like to accomplish this weekend and I'm feeling inspired, invigorated and enthusiastic • I have a year's worth of paperwork, receipts, invoices and bank statements to organize and file in my 2008 accordion file folder. A job daunting to begin, but oh so tres rewarding to complete. I want to clean off the big black work table that sits in les office opposite the teak topped desk and I will set up my sewing machine - and thread the bobbin :-( one never knows when the urge to sew may hit. I plan to retrieve much loved photos (most of them of my big red joy - Jake) and tiny movie clips of my three dog life from my old laptop and install them on my new 24" imac - I have a few new ideas and projects a brewing • Miss D and I can't wait to bundle up & get outside this early morning and walk around our little village in darkness, with crunching snow under our feet, cool air on our cheeks, she and I will follow the glow from the street lights and the edges of the snowbanks as we trail up and down the quiet streets • current song happily stuck in my head by Feist another Canadian super talent although I think she lives in Paris - lucky her (Paris or maybe in a little village by the Sea) • blue skies and lots of bubbles

happy Saturday


  1. Glad Miss Winnie Dixon is better. Best wishes on the projects. I dusted off my sewing machine yesterday. Wow! it still works! Jealous of your imac.

  2. i'm so glad miss d is feeling better. your snow is so pretty! i too have daunting lists that will take a kick to get started but will make me very happy when i'm done.

  3. for just a tic of a second you had me wondering what beautiful red berries those could be ...still bright and covered in new snow....

    yaaaay Miss Winnie D........ and whew.. Maybe it was a "nasty" something she ingested before you caught up to her on your walks...

    a friend with a bulldog just had to force hers to vomit (using some peroxide??) that doesn't sound great for the mouth and throat tissue to me... .. because the silly thing swallowed a BIG squeaky toy....

  4. Yay for Miss D! Lovely photos...I had the urge to thread my bobbin today, too. Maybe it'll happen tomorrow. :D

  5. Glad to hear your pup is feeling better...that's always such a helpless feeling. You snow pictures are beautiful! Happy Organizing!

  6. Ah, so we share an affection for Gerald Durrell and for Feist!! In addition to other furry things. How I do wish we could have lunch sometime!!

  7. fun song, great artist, great words and imagery here too in your post. Love it. happy, productive weekend, Susan.


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