
Sunday, January 4, 2009

red owl

Simple and gorgeous prints from Sugarloop - her blog and etsy shop

Well the mice that try to share this old brick house with us have not been faring so well. I admittedly, and a tad self righteously I confess, am normally shocked and appalled to hear about people using mouse traps - how terrible and cruel ... and then I think about Gus & Oliver, or cats in general and I have to ask myself which is worse. Death swiftly and suddenly or the slow torturous hunt and terrifying death by cat? I would prefer no killing. Period. No death ... swift or lingering. That's all I'm going to say. I find it very upsetting ... death of any variety.

Masterpiece Theatre tonight on PBS is playing part 1 of Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles 10 - midnight Atlantic time. I for one will be cuing up the VCR

jungle boogie blue

pink grapefruit owl & pussycat


  1. No mice or cats here, but rabbits, squirrels and .... owls. Sigh.

    I, too, am curious about Masterpiece's take on Tess. I wasn't too pleased with some of their recent interpretations of the classics. Turning Canon Pennyfather into a Nazi in a favourite Miss Marple springs to mind! But no doubt it will be better than any other viewing option tonight, so I will be there with you!

  2. I am so with you on that Susan. I used traps one year when the mice were running crazy in our garage but I hated doing it. I felt so utterly terrible plus touching the traps was horrid--germs galore. I would scrub my hands for ages in almost boiling water.

  3. I love these whimsical illustrations... especially "jungle boogie blue". I would like to make a quilted version of that.
    I feel the same way about animals. I can't stand to see any creature suffer. And the lifeless bodies of animals bring tears to my eyes. The other day, as we were driving, I saw the body of a dog on the side of the road and I cried.

  4. Love the prints. Simple but classic.

  5. I really like the first red print. And I adore the Polanski version of Tess, which I just recently watched again. Thanks for the reminder. I should blog on it soon. :^)

  6. I use humane traps and then release them on a field. I cannot hurt any living creature.

  7. Nature is beautiful and cruel, soft and kind, and hard and unforgiving. Sometimes I love the contradictions, and sometimes I hate them. And so it goes with my nature. :)

  8. Love these prints.

    I agree on the death thing. There is one exception I seem to be able to make without any emotional repercussions: rattlesnakes. Ugh. They're too dangerous so I'll admit, I do have to get rid of them when I find them near the house.


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