
Thursday, February 18, 2010

a valentine typographic sketch* - "better late than never" a tattoo of mine

*sketch - an idea, a drawing, collage or tiny painting that although liked well enough and one that is considered to be visually pleasing to some extent (or it would never be posted here). But ... one that does not arouse the big ol' feeling in the designer gal belly of - Uh Huh ! Uh Huh ! There ya go sister ! Yes that 'tis it.

A sketch is a just beginning ... a jumping off place, a germ, a seed which hopefully is sprouting a much bigger and better idea. So I think I'll keep on keepin' on with this idea awhile longer.

And ... oh yeah. Speaking of love and of being loved and the effects there of (other than the thrill of a gorgeous, dry, clean, beautiful and tres efficient basement with a solid stone foundation and the feeling that Tom Silva & Richard Trethewey, long time hero's of mine, are secretly living down there hangin out with Oliver making sure every little system in this old brick house is operating tickety boo) ... some other lovely effects of being loved which swirl around me like bees to honey - a new found confidence, feeling safe (h-u-g-e for me), security, happiness, contentment, merriment ... and ... oh my, I could go on ... and on ...

Merci Mr. Cowboy - you are so fine, you blow my mind

I'm always very inspired by the genuis of Rob Ryan


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