two day's a month

Monday, August 2, 2010

some scenes from this morning's early morning walk with best pal Missy Winnie D

Hey there August ! Where did you come from.

I would like to instigate a bimonthly do absolutely nothing day. Nothing with any consequence or obligation. A vacation from responsibilities and/or repercussions. A day to pretend I'm living at the cottage and there's nothing, at all, that ever needs doing. A day to goof off, a day to lay in the sun with a book and a big mason jar filled with ice and tea and slabs of lemon. A day to doze in a chaise under the willow tree's hanging branches, hidden from the world and fall asleep listening to the finches. With Miss D curled up beside me, snoring, the fingers of one hand hang down and twirl her scraggly fur as she sleeps. We sleep touching each other. Or we'll lay in the grass and stare up into the blue, blue sky and watch large perfect clouds glide by like enormous air ships. I'll put my bathing suit on, sunglasses and a big sun hat and I'll bob around in the warm water of the Northumberland Strait. Then we'll stop by the ice cream parlour on my way home and I'll share my cone with Oliver and finally lay on my bed with the breeze blowing in the windows and I'll leave all my cares behind ... for two days a month. Sigh


  1. Sounds like heaven. I did something like that this weekend only I called it crashing. Maybe I could rename it retroactively?

  2. i could use a big mason jar full of ice tea right about now. and those berries look divine!

    xo Alison

  3. Isn't that water rather cold though? Brrr...well, maybe it isn't but sounds like it should be.

    Ah yes, love what you say here. We need days like that, don;t we?

    BTW, dear Susan, I had no idea you were so short to be able to shoot from under dandelions and such? :)


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