15 recent foody shots from a few lunches & dinners & snacks here at 29 Black Street
It's no secret that I L-O-V-E to cook and I especially love trying to put a heart healthy spin on some traditional favourites. This post is especially for John, who always seems to get cooking inspiration from my food shots. A blog of your own perhaps ... John ?
the best oranges on sale 2 for 1/roasted salmon & potato wedges/Thai rice noodle salad/ dog cookies natch/that pumpkin pie with chocolate chips/tons o' veggie stir fry prep/baked chicken Parmesan with chunky vegetable marinara & Caesar salad/salmon ready for the 425 roastin' oven/grilled cheese on multi-grain bread/we eat a whole lot of fruit/cabbage rolls with ground chicken/canned salmon & rice pie/gourmet (uh huh!) tofu dogs/tuna salad lunch with dessert