good enough

Friday, March 23, 2012

la new 29 Black Street logo ?!? almost there I think & definately a new business card logo

"good enough"

2 words you'll never ever hear a perfectionist utter because in our world - there is no such thing.

tweak, tweak, fix, ponder, scan*, ponder some more, oh boy a new idea, tweak, tweak, tweak, ponder, ponder, oh boy another new idea, scan ... oh, oh my time's up. Les Deadline has arrived. I am learning as part of my role of actually really & truly being my own boss that occasionally I have to come down hard on myself. I have to tell myself Susan, it is good enough ! (like a knife through my heart) You can always make changes down the road (said slowly & well enunciated). Relax, take a breath, you've reached the finish line- it's over (this particular challenge anyway but get ready 'cause there's a brand new challenge/game just up ahead).

I'm re-branding, revamping & finally, finally having a web site due to launch some time very soon (April 1 our goal). I'm doing a trade with sweet Halifax designer gal Sarah Hart (I'm illustrating her banner the big, thrilling & tres challenging project I've been holding my breath over). She keeps emailing me ... do you have your logo ready Susan ?? gently always as is her way. It's coming ! I've replied way too many times ... this week, promise. Well the jigs up. I had to be my own boss. Time's up girlfriend. it is Good Enough !! I sent her things last night. Many, many things. I think this is one of my faves however. Bottom version with the cat, is cute, but likely won't make the final cut. Your thoughts ?? keep 'em coming please, we love to hear them!

Check back later today when I'll post les gamut of thumbnails & sketches, la process & alternate potential winners in this logo re-branding competition. I'm off now to the post office for one of my casual/part-time shifts there oh boy - parcel/packages input my first lil' job ;-)

* one of my secrets/tips - scan, scan, scan - scan as you go every stage of an illustration. That way you can never really screw up because you're always able to go back to an earlier step.

les 29 Black Street logo avec les chat le Noire - big, fat, black velvet Bleetito


  1. Wow...rebranding! Exciting and excellent. I prefer it sans bleet and think you could use the hand lettered text alone if an application required it. Hanno wants to know if you are creating a separate horizontal version.

  2. Already done ... of course really need Hanno ask ?!? Stay tuned for Part 2 this afternoon xos

  3. I like the cat...because I always think of your design headquarters with a cat or two supervising.

    I miss your vibrant colours.

  4. "rebranders" unite! ... looking forward to this afternoon :-)

  5. oooh....a 2 part launch! It's like a TV mini series keeping us hanging on the edge of our seats!

  6. Wow how exciting! I'm excited to see your new website and as usual fascinated by the parallel processes we're going through. I haven't been blogging much because I've been working through all of this, but I love that you're blogging the process as you do it. Most inspiring.


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