14 / 06

Thursday, June 14, 2012

scenes from this early morning - lupins / out to sea / missy d / poplars / buttercups / sweet Bee / breakfast / our pink rhodo

omg chair dancin !! arms in the air - just heard on Q - erasure oh my 1988 I miss you


  1. The lupins look like they are lit from within. Beautiful!

  2. I love Missy & the pine cone. She looks like she's saying to it: "Come on! What're you waiting for?!"

  3. With the beautiful photos here, you'll be surprised if I say my favourite is the second one. I can almost hear the gentle lapping and picture standing right there on the gritty sand.
    It reminds me I should get to the seashore more often.

  4. That's some scary looking pine cone you've got there !


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