
Monday, June 25, 2012

 the smoke bush at our front door ( a favourite of mine) is in bloom and completely a buzz with bees

keener - person that lives by the philosophy that

if you are who you truly were meant to be 
and you have no fear* and you live your life 
for the sole purpose you were created for, 
it brings a genuine happiness that can't be surpassed   

urban dictionary

* but ... I have a ton of fear & it's my current biggest and most challenging project - overcoming fear


  1. I love this definition of keener! I think it's generally thought of as a negative thing but I wish it wasn't!

  2. I never realized that "keener" had such a specific meaning. Just thought it was someone who was very KEEN on something ...

    Now I know different.

  3. Beautiful images of your smoke bush dear Susan.
    In my world there would not be many people who are truly who they were meant to be, including myself and I certainly have my owm fears which I try to overcome ... I constantly search for personal happiness.
    xoxoxo ♡


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