That would be mo ... boo ... humbug !
Yes it's true. I'm afraid it's boo humbug again this All Hallow's Eve here at 29 Black Street. It's just too nerve wracking for Miss D who hates anyone knocking on our door, let alone ghouls, ghosts and creepy masked short people.
So ... we'll turn the lights down low, draw the drapes (I actually don't have drapes but wish I did on a night like this), we'll hunker down by the fire, read by candlelight, talk in hushed voices lest the ghouls discover us and we'll pretend we're not at home. However, Winn and I do wish all of you Halloween reveler's a ghostly good time (a certain Edward & Apple and the Good Witch who takes care of them leap instantly to mind) .
I have been very busy here at the teak topped desk. Can you tell. My newsletter project revisions have lagged on but I think last night I may have sent the final, final version off to my customer for one last review before it goes off to the printer. I am behind my own schedule, as usual. Now onto two small full colour poster designs - which of course must be tres beautiful and nothing less than absolutely awe inspiring - but no pressure please. Sweet tiny apples yet to prepare (that didn't happen last evening), wood to pitch in the sunporch and to stack in neat rows and I'd love tomorrow to gather some more beautiful fall leaves and press them between sheets of wax paper like we did when we were kids. Sigh.
more lovely leaf crafts from our Martha here.