baby it's cold

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

holiday wrap

from Lab Partners available at Hello Lucky and found at most favourite daily haunt - Canadian design blog - Poppytalk.

Baby it's cold outside, it's really cold, frigid, freezing, bone chillin', cheek chappin', long john wearin', brrrrrrrr cold ... outside. Winter has officially arrived here in this sleepy little seaside village. This is the kind of cold I hate. Even fleece and down can barely do their thing in this wind chill kind of cold. Yuck. This old brick house is very close to the harbour (a much appreciated feature three seasons of the year) but in winter most often those chilling winds are coming in off the water. Brrrrrr. The kind of cold that even my wood stove fire place insert with the fan cranked to high can't heat the whole house. The kitchen and laundry room feel like I've gone outside and I have to burrow down deep into the nest of down and flannel at night, holding my book delicately with as few fingers exposed to the cool bedroom air as is possible. I'm tres frugal with the furnace/oil heat. The good news is tomorrow we're in for one of our Eastern Chinook's and temperatures of +12 - fantastic !! As long as we continue with this up/down, cold/warm/cold I can bare winter. Throw me a (mild temps) bone every now then and I'll survive.

Same ol' same ol' here at the teak topped desk at 29 Black Street today. More cute thumbnails. Listening to Twilight (unabridged audio CD), and the soundtrack to A Charlie Brown Christmas my most favourite holiday music, and of course always my beloved CBC radio 1.

I plan to mix up a jar of this today. I'm not normally a Tang kinda girl ... but this is delicious and super easy. My grandmother Flo used to make this concoction and it reminds me of her - it's a perfect hot beverage for cold wintry days or if you're coming down with the sniffles.

Hot Spiced Tea
1 1/3 c. Tang flavor beverage crystals
1/3 c. instant tea *
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. ground cloves

Mix together well and put in canister. Put 1 heaping teaspoon per cup of hot water. * I think I will change this to 1 cup instead of 1/3 cup - making it more tea-ish.

Feeding the birds and a few stray neighbourhood cats (and Jessie who has a lovely warm home but seems to like the food better here) and realizing that yet again Christmas will be here before I know it and I've yet to begin the very few holiday preparations that are on la list. This happens every year ... I'm not sure why I can't come to terms with the fact that I'm just not that Christmas girl. Sigh.


  1. You may not think you're a "Christmas girl" but my most favorite department Christmas party was the one you held at your place...when we all MADE our gifts for each other and sat in your living room in front of the fireplace opening them. Your little brick house was so sweet. That was such a fun time.
    Those are the kinds of things I miss about those "good ole' days".
    Happy Holidays Susan...keep cozy...sending you and your little critters peace and luv...V

  2. I love, love, love that Charlie Brown Christmas music!
    I play the CD over and over at my house, and it never fails to make me smile.
    Thanks for the video clip... love those Peanuts kids.
    Stay warm, Susan.

  3. Chinook winds- learned somethiing new today- thank you!

    it's cold in NY too- but not nearly as cold as NS!


  4. Ugh, I despise that biting cold, bone-chilling weather. And I love Charlie Brown Christmas music, it brings back good childhood memories, that, and the animated How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

  5. Brrr. Hope you and the gang stay warm! It was that cold a few days back, but it's warmed up to a balmy 47 degrees and pouring rain down here.

    I just watched Charlie Brown on TV last night. Adorable. I hadn't seen it in ages! I have the CD, too.

  6. "A Charlie Brown Christmas my most favourite holiday music, "
    --Quite agree.

    I can only imainge how cold it must get there--so much more than here as it's wetter too. Wouldn't like it so cold but would love to have have the heat of summer either which lasts much longer.

    Bundle up, take care and keep posting. We love your little seasonal flair in spit of yourself at this time of year. the photos are always a welcome addition too.

    you last post got me onto YouTube to look at old 80's song I love, many of the videos of which, i had never actually seen.

  7. It sounds cold!
    I love a Charlie Brown Christmas and that wrapping paper at the top there is adorable!
    Keep warm...

  8. hey V, boy that was a long time ago ... way back, even pre Jake I'm thinkin' (just Em, Ernst & Lulu) ...peace and love to you & your pack of three as well and Mmm you gotta love that 80's music - so happy to hear I sparked a youtube adventure.

    It's warming up again ... thank goodness.

  9. Glad it's warming up!.Yours was the first post I looked at this morning, cup of coffee in hand. It was so good...I've read all the Stephenie Meyer series, and I think I'm right in saying the film Twilight hasn't appeared yet in Australia - I keep looking for it. For this reason I really enjoyed the film trailer you featured.Also,the Charlie Brown addition was delightful.Preferring to be more on the reclusive rather than social side of things,I can sometimes feel the full-on aspects of Christmas overwhelming while others seem to just go for it! As always, an enjoyable visit - thanks Susan.

  10. i used to make that same tang tea drink when i was younger. there's just something about the closves that make it super special!

  11. I am having that exact same problem with cold fingers whilst reading in bed! I've decided I need to find some fingerless gloves! And yes, count me in as a Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack fan! It plays while I'm baking every season.

    Stay warm! It's raining buckets here!

  12. Oh, I forgot about that tang drink. My mom made that too. I'm going to pick up the ingredients and make some for us.

    I hope you enjoy Twilight. I finished all four books in the series in no time. Katy and I saw the movie last week. It was good too. That young writer has a wonderful imagination. Even by the fourth book, she's throwing in great new plot twists.


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