lavender peace - 8.5 x 11 art print
Yawn. Lately I have been sleeping like a baby - which is so fantastic. My days have been full, busy and fun which I truly believe is how life is supposed to be. Days spent mostly here at the teak topped desk following my bliss and slowly, step-by-step working toward building that darn ol' CE (creative empire) which I began building, in earnest, this year. Stopping only for breaks to lure a few ocelots out of hiding, make myself a snack, or to walk around this little village in darkness with my best girl Winn, to stroll and to stop and wait (while she enjoys her intense sniffing business) and stare up at the clear evening sky and the billions and zillions of stars or to gaze out into the harbour, the water so still and calm it shines like glass and feel so thankful for the life that I'm living.
My dance card continues to fill up this week. I'm finishing up all the technical/production drawings for this last big bunch of frames (39 in total), a lunch date out tomorrow with a friend at the little seafood spot that sits smack on the water's edge a few miles away along the coast, more tech drawings to do, and finally some free time to spend catching up with a little tidying and a few organizational chores.
I stopped yesterday to see my printer guy Carl in town and what a sweet, extremely helpful man he is. I've ordered new paper and new envelpopes for both my cards and my illustration prints. Incredible beautiful paper, super heavy, super smooth 130 lb cougar bright white and a new bright white larger size envelope. This new lavender peace print is printed on the new paper and also watch soon for some 5x7 greeting cards with envelopes also printed on this new paper. Sigh. This etsy stuff is SO much fun.
6 new photographic prints also in la shop. A larger size, 8x10 ready for framing and all 6 from my collection series - I love to gather and collect things on my walks, bring them home with me, spread them out on a white background in natural light and photograph them - always with the help of my trusted photography assistant Mr. Sweet himself Oliver.

things I found on the beach 24/09/08 - 8 x 10 photographic print

striped pebbles No. 1 - 8 x 10 photographic print
"Lavender Peace" is SO beautiful! I like it better than the other colors, but then, I'm a big fan of purples, and it's not so seasonal. Many hugs and warm thoughts this cloudy Wednesday.