holiday card {No.2}

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

a three dog winter wish

Don't you love {french brackets} ? - that & ampersands.

Holiday card No. 2 was inspired by our many, many wonderful winter walks at the golf course - just me and my pack of three - Emma Jane Louise Em, Jake (you know him also as Noodle) and Winnie who has so many alternate names it's a bit hard to keep track - but our current favourite seems to be Miss D. (that would be Dixon - Miss Winnie Dixon).

This card is also 4.75 x 4.75, printed on heavy, smooth, bright white stock, inside reads wishing you joy and each card comes with a perfect 5 x 5 red envelope in a cellophane sleeve and ships in a sturdy card mailer. $ 4.00 US per card and if you buy 4 I'll throw in the 5th free ! (photos later tonight with la shop update).

Also look for 5 new 8 x 10 photographic prints ready for framing and a new surprise 8.5 x 11 illustration print that I'm quite tickled about.

I'm going to town today - literally. I have two appointments and a billion zillion errands to run, big shopping and provisions to lay in, in time for the upcoming holiday season. I really don't enjoy driving that much so I end up waiting and when I finally do decide to make the 40 min. trip to town I'm usually laden down with places to go and people to see. Such is today's itinerary. So's back to the nest this early morning with my coffee, Miss D, pen and paper. A detailed list avec la stop-by-stop plan must be made.

I can't wait, honestly, to return here - back to my teak topped desk. Sigh


  1. Love all your cards, but especially this one.
    Your day of errands sounds wonderful, but then back to your nest! I am a homebody too!

  2. This is incredibly adorable.

  3. Enjoy your day in town! This card is adorable.

  4. I love this card. You can feel their doggy exuberance! And the little red bird... just the right touch. It makes a person happy just to look at it.

  5. hahahhaha....that card says it all... I love it......they are grinning their doggy grins....

    When there is snow on the lawn I look out after a day or two and see a crazy criss crossing of bunny makes me laugh right out loud and start to hum comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail.....of course, I think it is actually a "she". As a matter of fact, I think it is the mommy bunny who always leaves me a baby in the backyard every spring. I wonder how long bunnies live? how can it be the same one? but... why would a different one do the same thing every single year? She is all white now and tough to see if it snows and she sits still.... but, lately, she has been highly visible on the sort of brownish/still sort of green lawns.....she'll be happy for some help with camouflage..

  6. I adore this card. Unfortunately I don't send out Christmas cards. I've always been terrible at that, but IF I did...this would be it!


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