more illustration love

Friday, December 19, 2008

"brolly" pen & ink illustration by Yellena

and please check out more of her amazing work at her blog and at her etsy shop.

that Black Apple she makes me tres envious (and also tres inspired)

5:33 am • bubbles & coffee • a new day & new hope • beginnings & starts
minutes by moments • friday again • quiet & still • crunching snow & wagging tails
and sweet Dixon smiles (what would I do without her love)

"breeze' pen & ink illustration by Yellena

"succulence" pen & ink illustration by Yellena


  1. For some reason the illustrations you posted today remind me of a combination of Jules Verne and Alice in Wonderland. Very imaginative!

  2. I LOVE those illustrations! Organic, deceptively simple and engaging.

  3. There is a lot of energy in Yellena's art - it sort of zaps you. I agree with J, they are engaging - very!Love to you and the furry ones - have a lovely weekend Susan.

  4. Such happiness in her illustrations.

    Edward and Apple send hellos to Winnie D. And to you, of course!


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