sweet as can be

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mrs Pokey Poke, Sweet As Can Be ... Noodlette more terms of endearment

Miss Winnie Dixon my other photography assistant
Seaweed and sea grass exposed at low tide, yesterday's early morning walk


  1. That puppy seems very, very happy! Who wouldn't be living there!
    Thanks for the Moose link....I hope I'm a moose person.

  2. Happy Winnie! The season's change is so apparent in these photos, Susan. Love the shell texture on the rocks and the grass from below.
    Have a beautiful day!

  3. "Ooo look, there's Wille!" said my husband as he passed by the computer. That would be WINNIE I said.Wonder if Winnie D realizes she's recognized and acknoweldged way over the other side of the world.Husband just needs re-educating on the finer points.

  4. Your larger photos really make me feel as if I am there. I can smell the sea. Winnie looks so happy. Such a sweet companion.

  5. Snort! Noodlette.

    I like how Noodlette knows which side is her good side and strives to only present her good side for the camera.

  6. I'm happy to see that someone else finds seaweed so beautiful to photograph! I have a display of close-up seaweed photos that I took along the New Hampshire coast.

  7. Hi Susan, LOVE the new look of your blog! And Missy D's sweet, sweet face. I'm so far behind these days (sigh). Hope your 15 things swap goes wonderfully. Big hugs from the frosty north, J.

  8. you can even make seaweed look so good. Wow.

    How have you been? I have some serious catching up to do at some point.


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