the during

Monday, April 26, 2010

a perfect stroll down a long wooded trail and Missy D's hangin' back waiting for her Mama

A meeting halfway. Lunch at this place which is always amazingly packed and bustling with people - where do they all come from I always wonder. The cowboy and I bought lots of produce and delicious smoked fish to take home with us. After chatting and lunching (and introducing) we all piled back into our vehicles in search of a homely beach the cowboy and I had stumbled upon not long ago figuring it would be the perfect place for a long walk (avec les chiens). I forgot to print out a little take along Google map and alas I couldn't find the homely beach again but we did manage to find a Nova Scotia picnic park with a perfect trail through the forest that went on forever and forever. Missy D was reunited with her best travelin' pal Miss J and the beautiful brown velvet hound Bess was amazingly well behaved.

And of course a lovely time was had by all. Anxiety's evil twin is always anticipation - the before part and occasionally the pointless and often painful rumination of the after. But thankfully, for me, anxiety almost always disappears completely in the during. Phew !


  1. So beautiful. Isn't it nice to be waited for. I discovered the mass town market last year on our way to Maine. Definitely will be a regular stop for us.

  2. I'm sure they loved your CB.

    (I do that same anticipation and rumination thing)

  3. Beautiful pictures. Wish we had been there. We love to go places like that. We were visiting Benny & Lily & saw you there. Thought we'd drop by & visit. We enjoyed our visit & will drop by from time to time if you don't mind. We like visitors too so if you get the chance stop by & say hi.

  4. Was thinking of you! Thanks for the pics. Lovely!!

  5. HOORAY for the during!!!!!!!!!! And how much do I love the photos today - the trail is STUNNING.


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