366 days

Sunday, October 31, 2010

the beautiful basement

don't be afraid
have courage
speak your truth
trust in love

trust in love ...
trust in love ... trust in love ... trust in love ...

He's in the basement now, as I sit typing, he's sawing something. He's making shelves I think. Shelves for his things. His tools, his stuff, his basement stuff. He's settling in. His house has sold the closing date was Oct 29 one day shy of our first date - 366 days ago

oh yeah ... and Boo !
to you


  1. What, an anniversary already??? Time sure flies when you're having fun!

  2. Glad to hear the cowboy's house sold. It is a beautiful old treasure, someone is going to love living there.

    I hear ya about being excited about your basement. I'm hoping to get mine fixed up next spring.

    Happy first date anniversary.

  3. I like the basement shot very much.

    I'm very jealous as my house is built on a concrete slab and in the wintertime, despite the carpeting, the cold just seeps up from the floor.

  4. Congrats on the house selling. Shelves, filling in the nooks and crannies. All Good Things my friend.

  5. The "Great Pumpkin", has surely smiled down on you this last year Susan. Booooooooo to you too!!!

  6. OMG crying happy tears for you both.

  7. 366 days of bliss . . . 366 days of sharing . . . 366 days of changing from one to two . . . 366 days of opening and sharing and loving and gaining a whole new perspective on life. 366 days and counting. good for you!!

  8. Patti R. I've lost your email address can you email me again at 29blackstreetATgmailCOM = merci !! xo

  9. Has it been a year already??
    I do love love.


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