road trip

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Missy D loves a road trip - destination Cape George lighthouse

with many stops along the way -
Toney River, Lower Barney's River, Big Island, Arisaig & Malignant Cove to name just a few

We live in a spectacularly beautiful part of the world. Nova Scotia is practically an island. I love the ocean and the smell of salt air. I'm currently reading Sebastian Junger's The Perfect Storm after recently watching the movie for about the third time and I'm both fascinated and terrified by the power and beauty of the sea - our trip yesterday was along the coast toward Cape Breton to Cape George (near Antigonish). A perfect Thanksgiving Monday road trip.


  1. I too love the sea - and Nova Scotia reminds me so strongly of Scotland (well, obviously!) that I know I could settle there no problem. Instead, I have to remain thankful for your beautiful photographs, and just deal with my own envy!

  2. I remember standing by that lighthouse on a warm sunny day trying to see whales. There was a large crownd of people all staring out across the water at small black specks that would occasionally appear.
    I have the book. Thanks to the intra/inter library service. LOVE it. Want to make all of the recipes. Radishes are on my grocery list. I cried reading about her dad. Brought my own story back to me.

  3. The photos really do show your artist's eye! As for the Perfect Storm, the book is better than the movie in my opinion.

  4. It's been 14 yrs since I've visited there. Love seeing the landscape in your photos.

    I, too, picked up A Homemade Life from the library. What is it about thinly sliced radishes, layered with butter on good bread that is so appealing? I tried it on my homemade seed bread and it was delicious. I also want to try the Dutch baby pancakes in my big castiron skillet.

  5. I agree with spectacularly beautiful part of the world... :)

    OMG wanderlust!!! Take us on a virtual road trip across NS!

  6. Rach, perhaps just a wee visit to the colony

    John did you happen to see the Discovery channels documentary about this storm ? it was amazing ! and yes the book is much better than the movie which was way too hollywood-ized

    Alice & B. Heron enjoy that book !! I know you will.

    Hey Chez ! stay tuned for more photo road trips.

  7. This is beyond stunning, thank you for sharing. Hope you are doing well.

  8. it looks like a scenic road trip, susan! i've always enjoyed any trip that includes a visit to a light house.

    have you received THE package yet? usps promised 7-10 day delivery.

  9. Hi Julie, not yet but this past weekend was a holiday weekend and I've yet to go to the post office. I bet it's waiting there for me today !
    Hooray !!

  10. I have not seen the Perfect Storm documentary but will seek it out. Thanks for the tip. Although I like the book better, I've read it once, in one or two sittings, but seen the movie three times!

  11. Oh those wonderful Nova Scotia colours! Seas and sands so stunningly different to our white sandy Australian shores.Your seas look very cold though( mercifully shark and stingray free however!) Beautiful photos Susan.

  12. Happy belated thanksgiving day! did you eat anything special for the day? Love the scenes. beautiful there.

  13. Gorgeous Susan - you know my heart is always left at the ocean shores..thanks for sharing. XO J


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