scenes from les hub - production, warehouse, shipping & receiving + boardroom avec CEOthat would be -
cehq - les Creative Empire Head Quarters
And yes, that is the break room (dish) where our worker bees (cats) stop for their scheduled 15 mins 8 x daily, uh Huh ;-(
paid break time to snack (and fortify) on their fav -
stuffed morsels.The big black table
which sits directly opposite the teak topped desk (home of product development, administration & feline resources) serves both as our production facility as well as our shipping & receiving department. The big, bright, sunshiny (and warm) second floor hallway just outside the main offices is our ink drying/warehouse facility.
Yesterday I shipped out my first real wholesale order - 10
Hey Normal Day poster calendars + 10
Good Things Come poster calendars - to a great artist/handmade
lovin' boutique in the city, our city, the one and only
- Halifax. I sent my package off to Chara @
Love, Me Boutique - if you're in Halifax stop in and say hello and check out out all the great artist - designer -
craftsperson hand made stuff she has for sale in this fantastic little shop on Birmingham.
Today it's a big clean and purge and re-
organisation of
les hq. If I begin a task like this early enough in the day I'm good to go and can really get into it. Here's
Hopin' + Happy Saturday !