cut & paste

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bleet & Winnie Dixon a cut paper illustration for Christmas cards for our local animal shelter

This illustration (circa 2002) and original holiday card's design exemplified one of those very rare times in any designers life when the end result of your efforts is very much, if not better, than the picture you had in your head. Sigh, I'm afraid that doesn't happen very often. I've always loved this design - and seeing it's time once again to produce our shelter's big annual fund raising event's poster and silhouette images being particularly HOT at the moment it seemed a good idea to upcylce this much loved illustration. Telethon of Love 2009 here and 2008 here

So yesterday's tres rainy day was spent cutting and pasting and glueing and then putting everything into poster format in Adobe InDesign. OMGoodness I've given poor Gill Sans Ultra Bold a wee rest and switched in funky wood type-esqe - Playbill - working perfectly here because of it's slab serif slimness, making a kind of typographic platform for Winnie & Bleet to sit on.

And speaking of slimness ... ne pas ... and no that it is not a small black sea lion prone & spread out dans the TTD, it's the formerly slim (way back in 2002) - Bleet NessieNess. Boy, I tell ya it's sooo hard to work with one of the boss cats hanging around your desk all day.


  1. Lovely design, lovely paperweight.

  2. hey ! that's no paper weight.

    That's a rare miniature (?) ebony sea cow - the only one in captivity.

    Catticus Blackicus Faticus

  3. Love that poster and even more, Faticus... very funny.

  4. That could be my Joe - asleep on the dining room table that I use as my office desk, next to my computer.

    We do love our black cats, don't we, Susan?

  5. I love your art work. Everything you've ever posted here, to the best of my recollection, has been happy. upbeat, whimsical and smile-inducing. Is that a deliberate style decision or is that how you see the world, when you're recreating it for us? It's delightful and thank you.

  6. Wonderful artwork - so perfect for the subject matter! I always enjoy reading about your artistic process. And glimpses of your TTD are always a treat.

  7. hi Jackie O - what an interesting question. I would have to say it is deliberate in that it is innately my personality so naturally shows up in how I express myself.

    I do have a dark side which of course like any black to white, yin to yang etc ... is of a polar opposite persuasion, can be desperately dark and (thankfully) almost always fairly short lived. Though very dark at times that darkness (again fortunately) never seems to show up in my work - I guess 'cause I'm usually off at those times moping under the covers, reading & wishing I was eating bon bons ;-)

  8. Hi Kate on Clinton I'm so glad that you're enjoying posts about the Creative Empire building process. I know that I love reading about other creative types and how they work, favourite tools etc...

    and in Bleet's (Faticus) defense he has a very slow metabolism ;-)

  9. great job! love the new poster! that illustration is really cool!

  10. Fabulous design, love the Playbill!!!

  11. "ebony sea cow" ...GIGGLING!!!

    Love the poster! :)


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