zero visibility

Saturday, February 26, 2011

oh my red - window sill topped blooming geranium this wild and woolly winter's morning

heavy pouring rain throughout the night
dam, damn ice dams
a leaking roof (fairly minor)
people all over the village shoveling off their roof
enormous icicles
lots of chatter (from the Prince) about spring & summer big insulation projects
howling wild winds whipping toward us from the harbour
curving spectacular drifts od brilliant white ... everywhere
a flock of redpolls flutter & cling to the nyger feeder at the kitchen window
one task on the to do list today
a day spent happily painting Week 4's assignment - composition this week's theme
the forecast calls for clearing later this morning
looking out our windows this early morning, it's zero visibility
oh my red geranium
ah 1973 - Steely Dan, more songs from the soundtrack of my youth
an older grey but amazing Donald Fagan - Hey ! 19


  1. Hey, I'm a big Steely Dan fan! Good music that. My favorite song is "IGY".
    I used to work with Donald Fagan's sister, Susan. It was a long, long time ago.

  2. Hi Judy, did you ever meet him ? I wonder what he was like, is like ? - such a musical genius, the 1973 video they look so young, so kind of hippyish nerdy ;-) xoS

  3. Hi Susan,
    Thank you so much for the {excellent} comment...
    Another similarity...Sadly...A leaking roof! Ice dams here too...My roof is three stories (storys?) high and my Father wanted to get up there...NO way!
    I love the abstract first photo and the progression to the obvious third...
    I lived in Halifax for three years {2 separate times}. I love Nova Scotia and have met some of my very best friends there...
    Thanks again!

  4. note to self -- save the geraniums so i can have beeee-oooo-ti-ful pink blooms next winter -- just like susan. i'm envious ma cherie!


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