Miss Winnie Dixon + gang enjoying a walk in the meadow behind the Prince's former home*
Be nice
Especially to you
Day 22 (but hey ! who's
countin ?) of my newly themed life
Calm + Creative.
Over dinner last night (above) I mentioned to Doug that it feels like I've been doing much better emotionally - not nearly so worried & anxious, not so very hard on myself. He answered
I think you're 100% better Wow !! he's not one for exaggeration ... It's my confidence which has improved, my self esteem which really was shattered after I lost my best (and almost only)
product design customer a little over a year ago & found myself at the beginning of a forced (never the best kind initially) reinvention of my designer self. I lost all my income along with my sense of self - who would I be if I wasn't that self employed, product designer, designing mostly cute, mass market photo frames for stores like Target &
Kohls ?? in hind sight it's been a very exciting, scarey at times, big beautiful question ... who the hell are you anyway ? what do you want ? & what's important to you ?? what makes your heart sing ?? all day long
Landing the part time casual job at the post office recently was a huge boost, plus my gradual & steadily increasing
etsy profile & sales, a
fantastic mention at favourite design blog Print & Pattern (which I'm still feeling the ripples from), being asked to be a guest speaker/instructor at a
creative workshop and most recently signing on with UK card &
giftwrap company
Paintbox. I can finally see real progress ... good things keep coming ... hooray ! my empire 'tis growing ;-)
action = motivation = more action
David Burns - author of the great book
The Feeling Good Handbook
This morning before 9am - I'd enjoyed a relaxing coffee in bed with our gang of fur, did my
Yoga for Dummies tape, walked with
Missy D for 30 minutes (practically
cardio 'cause she walks so darn fast -
hooray Winnie Dixon), had my hair blown dry by ocean breezes, had breakfast at the
TTD- yummy vegetarian
frittata (loaded with onions, mushrooms, peppers, spinach,
zucchini & cauliflower), cleaned up my computer desk top ... blogged.
pat, pat, pat ... patting myself on the back. Well done + Rock on you !!
* the Prince is the full time caretaker of his old homestead, the couple who bought it live away