weird little votive candleholders bought at a yard sale years ago
For some reason I really love these funny votives. I have three of them.
I'm off early to the lands of bubbles and scent. I'm trying to get a jump on this new Monday, this new week which feels already busy and full or maybe it's because I've been moving at a slower speed - I can't decide. It's a week filled with variety. I'm juggling three different projects here at the teak topped desk, I'll be working a couple of days at the little gift & home decor store and I have an appointment mid week in the bigger town nearby. I'll go with my friend Helen and we'll have lunch out, make a day of it. So ... there are plans to be made, schedules need roughed out, and mustn't forget's written down neatly on fresh new page.
And tomorrow is September hooray !! Bonjour Bittersweet. I'm always a bit sad to say goodbye to crazy carefree summer, July & August nearly gone again for another year ... they both blow by so quickly but I'm always glad to say Hello ! September ! My new year. I say a big Hello to fleece, and pumpkins, to red, yellow and orange. Hello crisp fresh mornings, crunching leaves and dewy frost. Hello there ! new hope & promise.
Hey! did you know you can search this blog now ? Check the sidebar, way down at the bottom. Hooray!! I don't know about you but I'm always tryin' to find stuff.
* h & p - hope and promise, distant cousins of d & p - diligence and practice