from sunny, summery yesterday, pardon the lily beetle porn, could not resist their bold redness• reading this lovely book -
As Always, Julia - letters between Julia Child & Avis
DeVoto• last night's
movie presentation (also from the library) - 5 stars from the Black Street critics
• extreme mint herbal
toothpaste (makes me brush
waaayyy longer)
pina colada smoothies for breakfast with
pc greek yogurt & pineapple juice
• foggy grey weather I love it -
shhhhhhhh (I'm alone on this one)
• puttering in the garden, making a small (weeding, thinning, pulling) dent in the vastness of tangle that is
les terracotta gardens while that darn Prince does the big transforming,
the A team
• already planning my next trip to Halifax - suffering
Mlou +
the city withdrawal - big time
• happy to be back roaming around this little village, camera in tow, with my best gal
Missy D• falling asleep watching hockey playoffs tucked snug into the nest of down & flannel
• having the windows wide open & feeling once again that we live in a big brick tree house
collage-a-go-go ... & I do mean
go go here at the
TTD* ... the dandy lion my latest obsession
• yummy - potato salad, stir fry of spinach, asparagus + broccoli with
barbecued chicken
killer (easy) bbq saucezest and juice of 1 orange
1/4 cup molasses (honey, maple syrup, brown sugar)
a ton of garlic minced (4 big fat cloves or to taste)
a big slop of
dijon (2-3
tbsp or to taste)
1/2 cup tomato ketchup
hot sauce (if you're so inclined)
1/2 a small onion finely minced (or a large shallot if you have them)
a handful of minced fresh cilantro
a handful of chopped chives
Marinate 4 large chicken breasts in the sauce refrigerated turning occasionally for several hours (minimum 30 minutes). Reserve most of the sauce and bring to a boil adding orange juice to thin as necessary. Reduce by half. Serve spooned on cooked chicken breasts & garnish with more chopped cilantro, chives and/or sliced green onion. Sweet & delicious !