
Monday, September 26, 2011

omgoodness - a few September blooms from in & around the terracotta gardens

You are everything that is,
your thoughts, your life, your dreams come true.
You are everything you choose to be.
You are as unlimited as the endless universe.

Shad Helmstetter

this is how I feel ... more happy, content & alive than I've ever felt before. It's time to dream some new dreams because I swear every single dream I've ever dreamed is coming true. Sigh.
Please stay tuned - new & exciting big dreams coming soon to a blog near you ;-)

& oh yeah ! heard yesterday on the radio - our Neil - more sweet songs of my youth


  1. lucky you!
    i love the flowers so many of them!

  2. Hooray for you and for dreams come true!!

  3. The flowers are sooo lovely. Don't those poppies just make your hear swell? Here's to dreams!


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