the little ginger kitten Cyrus was a part of our life for exactly 21 days - I fell a little in love
Yesterday Cyrus, Lil' C, Luvah, Bucky ... went to his new fabulous home at the sister-in-law of our long time vet Dianne Stevens (she'll be his vet now too). He has 2 feline sisters (who I'm sure he's already attempting to terrorize in his oh-so-cute, tres brazen, kitten self, manner). I miss him a lot ... of course. From the moment I picked him up in my arms that Friday afternoon 3 weeks ago & he instantly nuzzled his funny little ginger face into my neck and began to purr like mad I knew I had to take him home. Something told me that this skinny lil orange guy needed my help. I'm feeling particularly proud of myself - both for finding him such a great new home so quickly without too much terrible disruption of les Gang (though my main man/cat Oliver caught a terrible case of URI from Bucky & has begun a 7 day course of penicillin), but for also being practical & realistic, for not taking on more than I want or more than we can afford.
Cyrus is a very lucky cat.
The shelter's here, there & everywhere are overflowing with abandoned, unwanted cats & kittens. Our local shelter is full to capacity & Cyrus was placed on a long waiting list just to make it into the shelter, where then he might have stayed for months & months before anyone adopted him. Not because he isn't sweet, a perfectly lovely, particularly handsome cat but because there are so many cats that don't have homes & hundreds of kittens born each month that will end up like him - prowling around some community, far too young to be out in the big world on their own, mewing as loud as possible at anyone who might look their way, saying ...
Pick me up please & take me home. Love me.
& I sure did
love him.
happy new home Lil' C
I'm so, so happy I took so many photos of his handsome ginger self - I will paint a portrait of him this year