
Monday, November 26, 2012

three from the sea, I love it when the surface of the ocean appears as still as glass - the sky & the ocean become one
tr.v. (rj-mnt) reg·i·ment·edreg·i·ment·ingreg·i·ments

2. To put into systematic order; systematize.

systematize ? how great a word is that ? 

I was thinking about the word regimented this morning as I sat propped up with many a pillow, tucked into the nest of down & flannel, coffee and cat  Oliver nearby - planning my day, planning the next day, the week, the rest of the year, plan, plan, plan - my to-do lists, my goals, etc... thinking a lot about regime, ritual & habits because the busier I become the more thrilled I seem to feel with a life of regiment. 

The secret, I'm discovering, is to schedule every thing - the good, the bad, the dreaded and the I can't waits ! being sure to include a healthy assortment them all. Mixing it up a little - a few nasty's followed by an I can't wait. Another couple of must do's followed by a thrilling I can't wait. I schedule my walks with Miss D, my 3pm tea lc time, exercise, cooking, marketing myself, emails ... the more I practice this regimented sytematizing of my life - the calmer I feel and the better I have become at estimating the time required to do any given item on that daily list. 

Have you heard about the Pomedero technique ? A system of timed little chunks of work followed by timed chunks of breaktime. I don't use this exact method but I do occasionally implement a timer, a chic stainless steel number gifted to me by best friend MLou, used only in very extreme dread to do situations. You know one of those nasty items that's been living on your secretly dying to get done list forever but so nasty an item you've been dreading actually doing it for just as long. Set the timer for 20 mins - 15 mins. even & GO ! You can do almost any thing for 15 mins - a sure way to get you started, once you've started ... well you're on your way.

organize your life around your dreams
and watch them all come true


  1. Love the quote. I think that kind of organizing/visualizing/living works. I ripped the Our Favourite Books of 2012 page out of the latest Oprah mag, made up right-sized images -- one was "2014" and one was a cover for my book that I'd mocked up. Then I glued them over a book on the couch and over the 2012. Voila! That's organizing my visual life around my dream!

  2. what a fantastic idea Sara !! I feel like my recent life is living proof that "visualization & dreaming" is as important a tool in achieving success as any other.

    Hey are you on ? please join.

    I'm bullying all my reading friends into joining & friending me there - my version of Facebook ;-)

  3. Sara, I second Susan's bullying about It's fun!

  4. Then join I must -- I can't afford to offend any potential readers, can I?!

  5. I really should get more organized.
    You're an inspiration !

  6. but your retired Sybil ...
    though I can't imagine ever being that


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